MicroBT Whatsminer M30+
Model MicroBT Whatsminer M30+ from MicroBT mining algorithm SHA-256 with a maximum hashrate of 100Th for a power consumption of 3400w.
Period | /Day | /Month |
Income | $6.18 | $185.40 |
Cost $0.1/kWh |
$8.10 | $243.00 |
Profitability | -$1.92 | -$57.60 |
Algorithm | Efficiency | Profit |
100Th - 3400.0W |
0.03J | -$1.98 |
Mining pools for MicroBT Whatsminer M30+
Pool | Start Mining |
Nicehash | nicehash.com |
Mining Rig Rental | miningrigrental.com |
zpool | zpool.ca |
XmrPool | xmrpool.net |
Zergpool | zergpool.com |
XmrPool Hub | xmrpoolhub.com |
Mining Pool Hub | miningpoolhub.com |
Carbon Footprint
Estimating the carbon footprint from the cryptocurrency mining operations of the MicroBT Whatsminer M30+ in a year, based on energy consumption and various energy sources
Energy Source | Carbon Intensity (gCO2e/kWh) | Yearly Power Consumption (kWh) | Yearly Carbon Footprint (kgCO2e/year) |
Wind | 323 | ||
Nuclear | 352 | ||
Hydroelectric | 705 | ||
Geothermal | 1,116 | ||
Solar | 1,321 | ||
Biofuels | 6,756 | ||
Gas | 14,394 | ||
Coal | 24,088 |
Warning: The numbers provided above are merely an estimate of the carbon footprint resulting from cryptocurrency mining. They are presented for informational purposes and should be seen as references only, not as an absolute exact figure. The actual carbon emissions can vary based on many different factors such as the approach, calculation methods, and specific parameters of each mining technology type. We recommend users to consider these figures as a small part of a larger environmental picture and the impact of cryptocurrency mining on it.